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Joyfully shout Valio! with some of our donors and their kids:


Valio! Valio! Valio!

Hip Hip Hooray!

We did it!

We raised $1,000,000! 

In just over one year, over 500 Neringa supporters came together to reach the goal of the Neringa100 campaign.



Ačiū! Ačiū! Ačiū! to each and every person who responded to the challenge. Thank you, donors!


Knowing how much everyone values Neringa, we were confident we'd reach our goal, but not this quickly! Read these inspiring testimonials on why people gave. 


Additional donations to the campaign will be used for costs related to the purchase, and to seed a fund designated for the long-term operational and capital improvement needs of the property. 


Throughout the year Camp Neringa, Inc. relies on donations to cover operating costs. If you have not donated to the campaign but would like to support Neringa, please consider donating to Camp Neringa, Inc.


To mark this chapter in Neringa's history and to honor all donors we will be building an Aukuras (hearth) at Neringa.

Every donor will be memorialized in this permanent installation.


The stones of the Aukuras will ground us
in our mission, and the flame will inspire and light the way to the future.

Neringa100 Gift Giving Levels

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fern color.jpg


obelis ladybug.jpg
Obelis/Apple Tree


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Ąžuolas/Oak Tree


sally orange.jpg


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Beržas/Birch Tree


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By Mail

Complete donation/pledge form

and send your tax deductible donation to: 

Neringa100, 34 State Street, Guilford, CT 06437

Checks to be made out to: Camp Neringa Inc.


Make a tax deductible donation‏ through Paypal.

No Paypal account is needed.

You can donate via credit card using Paypal.

(Consider adding 2.2% to your donation
to cover the cost of the transaction.)


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